
Order bike service

    Flattires operation in Amsterdam is now operated by BikeRunner, a successful Danish Mobile repair company founded in 2019. Welcome!
    As fast as possible after you have filled out the form, you will recieve an email and sms with info about your Runner and time of repair. You don't have to pay until your visit is complete.


    Order patch/new tube:


    Patch 1 wheel 29 EURPatch 2 wheel 49 EURNew tube 1 wheel 36 EURNew tube 2 wheel 59 EUR

    Order new tube and tire:


    New tube + tire 1 wheel (Bronze) 59 EURNew tube + tire 2 wheel (Bronze) 109 EURNew tube + tire 1 wheel (Silver) 69 EURNew tube + tire 2 wheel (Silver) 135 EURNew tube + tire 1 wheel (Gold) 79 EURNew tube + tire 2 wheel (Gold) 150 EUR
    Read criteria for which tube+tire-package you should order for your bike here
    Order other bike serivce:


    Assembly of new bike 65 EURBicycle maintenance 60 EURLubrication of chain 15 EUROther - please describe in commentsection


    Order bike accessories:


    Bell 9 EURBike lights 20 EURBike basket 40 EURPump 16 EURSaddle 35 EURBike lock 45 EURKick stand 35 EURPedals 35 EUR
    Read criteria for our standard accessories here

    Attach a picture of your whole bike.
    (taken from the side, make sure the valve on the tire is visible in your picture)

    Attach a picture of the numbers ingraved in the rubber og your tire (that shows the tire size).
    ( NB: it is NOT the tire pressure numbers by the words "Inflate", "BAR", "kPa" or "PSI")

    NB! If it's not possible to attach pictures right now, you can send them directly to your Runner once he is assigned your order. Or to info@bikerunner.dk.


    NB: If you are experiencing problems with sending the form, try to send without pictures. If it still doesn’t work, please send the above info to    info@bikerunner.dk and we will create the order for you.